TUBO DISTANCIADOR REMUS AD0154 CITROËN Ds4, Type N Motor: 1.6L 147 Kw (5Fu) Año: 2011_ A7 Tubo Distancia Para El Montaje En 1.6L 82/88 Kw Y 1.6L Hdi 82 Kw EL TIEMPO DE ENTREGA DE ESTE PRODUCTO SI NO ESTA DISPONIBLE PUEDE SER DE 10-15 DIAS
METODOS DE PAGO: Transferencia bancaria, Tarjeta, Paypal y Pago Financiado hasta 12 meses. GASTOS DE ENVIO: GRATUITOS (solo peninsula)
Marca: REMUS Referencia: REM-AD0154
1030 - Got error 28 from storage engine
select p.products_id, pa.products_name, p.products_model, p.products_free_shipping, p.products_date_available, p.products_price, p.products_quantity, p.products_tax_class_id, p.products_image
from products_description pa
inner join products p on (p.products_id = pa.products_id)
inner join products_to_categories ptc on ptc.products_id=p.products_id
where language_id = 3
and products_status = 1
and p.products_id != 7275504
and ptc.categories_id = 245122
ORDER BY rand() limit 4